
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2020

Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang #MAHN

Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang #MAHN . You can have Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang #MAHN using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang #MAHN It's 2 cawan of tepung beras. You need 1 of + 1/2 cawan tepung gandum. It's 1 of + 1/2 cawan tepung ubi kayu (tapioca). It's 1 cawan of gula pasir. You need 5 cawan of santan. Prepare sedikit of garam. It's of pewarna makanan. Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang #MAHN instructions Panaskan pengukus guna api sederhana. Balut penutup dgn kain.. Satukan semua bahan kecuali pewarna kemudian Blend hingga halus. Boleh juga kacau guna whisker hingga tak bergerindil.. Tapis adunan.. Bahagikan adunan sesuai jumlah warna dan beri pewarna makanan.. Oles acuan dgn minyak. Tuang adunan lapisan pertama. Kukus 5 minit. Ulang proses hingga h...

How to Make Delicious Crunchy Thin Brownies Cookies

Crunchy Thin Brownies Cookies . Quick cookie recipe for when you need cookies ASAP! Light brown sugar - I've tested this with dark and. THINSTERS are thin, crunchy cookies that are snackable, poppable and burst with flavor! These brownie cookies are soft, thin & chewy (not to mention that they taste like brownies dream of tasting). Ever try to bite into an ice cream sandwich made with crunchy cookies? The cookie splinters and, well, you look like a dork. You can cook Crunchy Thin Brownies Cookies using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Crunchy Thin Brownies Cookies It's of Bahan A: Diayak. Prepare 150 g of tepung gandum. It's 2 of sb tepung beras. It's 1 of st baking powder. You need of Bahan B: Dikacau sebati. It's 2 of biji telur gred A. It's 1 of st esen vanila. Prepare 1/2 of cwn + 2 sb gula kastor. Prepare of Bahan C: Di’double...

How to Prepare Perfect Kuih lapis

Kuih lapis . Kueh lapis or also spelled as kuih lapis/kue lapis is a beautiful traditional steamed cake which originates from Indonesia. The term 'lapis' simply means layer in Indonesian and Malay referring to. Kuih lapis is a traditional Asian dessert popular in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Kueh Lapis never fails to put a smile on my face. Leave Kuih Lapis to cool completely after steamed and invert the cake pan to knock out the kuih. Grease knife with little oil before cutting. You can have Kuih lapis using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Kuih lapis Prepare 2 cawan of tepung beras. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1/2 of tepung jagung. It's 1 cawan of gula. It's 1 of sudu kecil garam. You need of Sekotak santan. It's 3 cawan of air. You need of Pewarna **. You may also brush a little oil on the surface as gloss finishin...

Recipe: Yummy Talam Ubi

Talam Ubi . You can cook Talam Ubi using 13 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Talam Ubi It's of Lapisan bawah. Prepare 700 gm of ubi kayu (parut & timbang). It's 100 ml of santan pekat. You need 1 of biji telur. It's 300 ml of air. You need 250 gm of gula. It's Sedikit of pewarna kuning. It's of Lapisan atas. Prepare 100 gm of tpg beras. Prepare 50 gm of tpg ubi. Prepare 50 gm of tpg gandum. It's 2 of sdk garam. It's 800 ml of air. Talam Ubi step by step Utk lapisan bawah - satukan semua bahan kedlm periuk dan kacau rata.. Masak semua bahan hingga pekat. Tuang dlm loyang yg dilapikan dgn plastik dan kukus selama 25 minit. Cara utk lapisan atas. Bancuh semua bahan hingga sebati dan tiada ketul2. Tapis masukkan dlm periu...

Recipe: Perfect Florentine Cookies

Florentine Cookies . You can cook Florentine Cookies using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Florentine Cookies You need 500 gm of tepung florentine. It's 250 gm of almond slice. You need 200 gm of biji labu. It's 150 gm of biji bunga matahari. Florentine Cookies step by step Gabungkan semua kekacang. Panaskan oven 170c. Bakar 3 minit, kelurkan, kacau rata, bakar lagi 2 minit. Ketepikan dan biar sejuk. Masukkan tepung florentine dalam mangkuk.. Masukkan kekacang dibakar tadi. Gaul rata. Alas loyang dengan baking paper. Ratakan adunan senipis mungkin.. Bakar api atas bawah selama 10-15 minit atau hingga keperangan. Keluarkan, masa panas, potong guna pizza cutter. Renggangkan florentine cookies dari baking paper. Bila sejuk, patahkan ikut garisan potong tadi.. Bila dah sejuk, simpan dalam bekas kedap udara. Siap 💜....

Recipe: Yummy Tart nanas gebu🍍

Tart nanas gebu🍍 . Hello guysss, Im back! tapi saya back dengan video tart Nanas sempat shoot,biasanya mija voice over tapi demam jadi suara macm gorilla 🦍🦍 here is the recipe.. Jom dapatkan kuih TART NENAS GEBU yang sangat rangup. boleh buat hidangan kepada tetamu pada Hari Raya 💥💥. Mai order sekarang jangan lambat ye Harga sangat murah dan rasa sangat puas hati. Resepi kawan beliau yang memang setiap tahun menyediakan biskut tart nenas. As Salam, Resepi Tart Nenas Gulung Sukatan Cawan Jualan Cikgu Azlina Ina-Saya tak pasti dengan readers yang lain, tapi bagi diri saya, saya sangat menyukai cara Azlina Ina berkongsi resepinya dalam laman sosial miliknya. Caranya yang bersahaja, nampak betul dia kongsi resepi kuih. ok.hari nie yuk nak share resepi tart nenas. resepi tart nenas nie.memang sedap lar.gebu dan ringan je. klau makan memang melt kat dalam mulut tau. resepi tart nie.yuk dah cuba dan ciap buat niaga lagi tahun lepas.hihi. banyak balang jgak habi...

Recipe: Perfect Kuih Lapis ❤️

Kuih Lapis ❤️ . You can have Kuih Lapis ❤️ using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis ❤️ It's 2 cawan of tepung beras. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung. You need 1 cawan of santan (200ml). You need 1 cawan of gula. Prepare 1 tbs of garam. You need 1 tbs of pewarna merah. Kuih Lapis ❤️ instructions Blend semua bahan di atas sehingga sebati.. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua bahagian iaitu merah dan putih.. Tuangkan ke dalam talam secara berselang-seli. (Kukus 5 minit bagi setiap lapisan). Untuk lapisan terakhir biarkan selama 15 minit. Siap! Selamat mencuba...😊.

Easiest Way to Cook Tasty BROWNIES NUTTELLA 3-bahan Gluten free

BROWNIES NUTTELLA 3-bahan Gluten free . These nutella brownies are the thing of dreams. They were all devoured on the day I made them, with none living to tell the tale. The combination of chocolate and hazelnut gives it such an amazing nutella-like flavour, which I just can't get enough of. These gluten free Nutella brownies are SINFULl!!! With chewy edges and soft, fudgy centre….'tis heaven. Holy cow, I've been dying to make brownies with Nutella for an AGE, I love Nutella!!! You can have BROWNIES NUTTELLA 3-bahan Gluten free using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of BROWNIES NUTTELLA 3-bahan Gluten free You need 500 gm of NUTTELLA. It's 3 biji of Telur. You need 125 gm of Badam kisar. It's of 👉 Topping. Prepare 150 gm of Coklat Gelap Compound Chollatta di Cairkan. It's Secukup rasa of Coklat Ferrero Rocher. It's Secukup rasa of Strawberi. ...

Easiest Way to Make Delicious Tart Nanas

Tart Nanas . You can cook Tart Nanas using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Tart Nanas It's 600 g of tepung gandum. It's 160 g of gula aising. Prepare 300 g of majerin Puteri. Prepare 140 g of mentega. Prepare 2 of biji kuning telur. You need 1 of sudu kecil esen vanila. It's 3 of sudu tepung susu. You need of Kuning telur + pewarna kuning. You need of Paste Nanas. Tart Nanas instructions Pukul mentega & majerin bersama gula. Masuk kuning telur satu per satu. Masukkan esen vanila. Masuk tepung susu dan tepung gandum. Tekap dan bentukkan. Bakar 160°c pada 10 - 15 minit.