
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Easiest Way to Make Delicious Kuih Sri Muka

Kuih Sri Muka . You can cook Kuih Sri Muka using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Kuih Sri Muka You need of Bahagian A - Lapisan Bawah. Prepare 2 cawan of beras pulut - rendam selama 1 - 2 jam. It's 1 cawan of santan. Prepare 1 of sudu kecil garam. It's 1 of sudu minyak masak. Prepare Daun of pandan. You need of Bahagian B - Lapisan Atas. It's 1 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 2 of sudu tepung jagung. It's 1 cawan of gula (kurangkan sikit jika tak nak manis). Prepare 1 of biji telur. Prepare 1 1/2 cawan of santan. You need 1/2 cawan of air tapisan daun pandan yang dikisar. It's Sedikit of pewarna hijau. Kuih Sri Muka instructions Untuk lapisan bawah, toskan pulut yang telah direndam dan campurkan semua bahan bahagian A kecuali daun pandan.. Sediakan loyang.masukkan daun pandan da...

Recipe: Delicious Тarт nenaѕ gυlυng 3 вaнan ѕaнaja !!!

Тarт nenaѕ gυlυng 3 вaнan ѕaнaja !!! . This work contains somewhat sadistic expressions and portrayals of bloodshed due to the nature of the genre. You can cook Тarт nenaѕ gυlυng 3 вaнan ѕaнaja !!! using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Тarт nenaѕ gυlυng 3 вaнan ѕaнaja !!! You need of вaнan a. You need 250 of gм вυттer/мagerιne (1 cawan). Prepare 250 of gм тepυng gandυм (2 1/4 cawan). It's of вaнan в. You need of ιnтι nenaѕ ѕecυĸυpnya. Тarт nenaѕ gυlυng 3 вaнan ѕaнaja !!! step by step Ѕeвaтιĸan вaнan a gυna ѕendυĸ ĸayυ ѕaнaja ѕeнιngga ĸedυa dυa вaнan ѕeвaтι.ѕeĸadar ѕeвaтι ѕaнaja.тaĸ jadι ĸeмвang.adυnan мeмang leмвυт dan мeleĸaт dι jarι.. Мaѕυĸĸan ĸe dlм acυan тarт..aтaυ gυna ĸan acυan ĸυιн мerυĸυ pυn вoleн.ĸalaυ хda acυan тarт.paιp мeмanjang.poтong anggaran 2 ιncι panjang.. Leтaĸĸan ιnтι jeм nenaѕ yg тelaн dιgenтel мeмanjang.вera...

How to Cook Tasty Talam Ubi

Talam Ubi . You can have Talam Ubi using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Talam Ubi It's of Lapisan Bawah:. Prepare 1 kg of ubi kayu - parut & perah airnya } menjadikan 3 cawan. Prepare 50 gram of tepung jagung. Prepare 300 gram of gula merah***. You need 100 gram of gula putih pasir***. You need 400 ml of air***. Prepare of masak tanda*** hingga mendidih.. sejukkan. It's of Lapisan Kepala:. It's 80 gram of tepung beras. Prepare 2 sudu makan of tepung kacang hijau @ 3 sudu makan tepung jagung). You need of secubit garam halus. You need 400 gram of kelapa parut ****. It's 5 cawan of air****. Prepare of kisar bahan bertanda ****. kemudian perah ambil santannya. Talam Ubi step by step Cara: ~Sediakan loyang berukuran 14", dan alas dengan daun pisang, lengserkan sedikit minyak.. ...

Recipe: Yummy Kueh Bakul Salut Tepung

Kueh Bakul Salut Tepung . You can cook Kueh Bakul Salut Tepung using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Kueh Bakul Salut Tepung Prepare 300 gm of Kueh Bakul - potong ukuran 1". It's 200 gm of Tepung Gandum. Prepare 1 of sudu kecik kfc Garam. You need 200 gm of Air. Prepare of Minyak untuk menggoreng. Kueh Bakul Salut Tepung instructions Potong kueh bakul dalam anggaran 1". Kemudian Bancuh Tepung dengan air dan garam sehingga pekat likat. Panas kan minyak kemudian celup kueh bakul tadi ke dalam tepung dan masukkan ke dalam minyak panas goreng sehingga kekuningan angkat dan sedia di hidangkan makan lah semasa panas² lebih sedap sebab kueh bakul masih lembut😍😋.

How to Make Yummy BROWNIES COOKIES Pistachio & Almond#maratonraya#kudapan#minggu4

BROWNIES COOKIES Pistachio & Almond#maratonraya#kudapan#minggu4 . Cookies and brownies merged into one, HELLO! These cookies are fudgy, chewy, gooey and crunchy from this pistachios plus they have the perfect balance between fluffy and dense! Instead of relying on artificial pistachio pudding mix, these delicious pistachio cookies get their flavor from real pistachios and I call these pistachio drop cookies because they're little drops of heaven! #pistachiobrownies #easybrowniesrecipe #asmrcookingPistachio Fudgy Brownies recipe is easy to bake, but also very tasty. Whole-grain teff chocolate brownies with pistachios. Do not overbeat the batter at this stage, or your brownies will be cakey. Pistachios, pudding mix and cranberries stir up with sugar cookie mix for a melt-in-your-mouth cookie. You can have BROWNIES COOKIES Pistachio & Almond#maratonraya#kudapan#minggu4 using 8 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of B...

How to Make Appetizing Tart Nenas

Tart Nenas . You can cook Tart Nenas using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Tart Nenas You need of Bahan A. You need 1 cawan (250 g) of buttercup. Prepare 1 of sudu besar gula kastor. You need 1 of biji kuning telur. Prepare 1 sudu teh of esen vanilla. You need 1 sudu teh of pewarna kuning. It's of Bahan B. It's 2 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 2 1/2 sudu makan of tepung jagung. Prepare 2 1/2 sudu makan of tepung karstad. Prepare of Hiasan atas tart guna kuning telur + sedikit pewarna kuning. It's of Jem nenas saya beli kat kedai bakeri je. Hihi. Tart Nenas instructions Kacau bahan A dengan whisk je hingga sebati. Dalm dua minit sahaja.. Masukkan Bahan B, uli sehingga doh tidak melekat ditangan. Kalau doh agak keras +sedikit butter.. Masukkan doh kedalam acuan dan terapka...