How to Cook Tasty Kuih seri muka Pandan

Kuih seri muka Pandan. Step by step recipe how to make Pandan Glutinous Rice Cake. Kue seri muka, sri muka or putri salat (lit. pretty face cake) is a Banjarese and Malay two-layered dessert with steamed glutinous rice forming the bottom half and a green custard layer made with pandan juice (hence the green colour). Coconut milk is a key ingredient in making this kue.

Kuih seri muka Pandan Antaranya :*Karipap Pusing Frozen (inti kentang+isi ayam)*. This must be an all-time favourite kueh among the Perankans (Nyonya) - Kueh Salat or Kuih Seri Muka by another name. As for this recipe, I've used a lot of pandan (screwpine) leaves to get a deep. You can have Kuih seri muka Pandan using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Kuih seri muka Pandan

  1. Prepare of Bahan A.
  2. Prepare 1 cawan of beras pulut.
  3. Prepare 1 cawan of santan.
  4. You need Sedikit of garam.
  5. Prepare 1 of sk minyak masak.
  6. It's Daun of pandan.
  7. You need of Lapisan hijau.
  8. You need 1 cawan of air daun pandan.
  9. You need of Bahan B (Bahagian atas).
  10. Prepare 1 cawan of santan.
  11. You need 1 cawan of air daun pandan.
  12. It's 5-7 of SB gula.
  13. Prepare 5 of SB tepung gandum.
  14. You need 4 of SB tepung kastad.
  15. Prepare 1 of biji telur.

Kuih Seri Muka is a Penang Nyonya Kuih comprising a top layer which is green pandan pudding and a bottom layer of glutinous rice. The glutinous rice layer is usually white, but we changed it to two layers of different colours, just for fun. The blue is achieved with the use of natural colouring from bunga. Cara-cara buat resepi kuih seri muka yang sedap ini seperti di bawah ni tau.

Kuih seri muka Pandan instructions

  1. Mula-mula rendam beras pulut selama 20 minit.
  2. Kemudian tapis dan masukkan 1 cawan santan,minyak masak,daun pandan,dan garam..kacau sekejap dan kukus selama 25 minit atau sehingga pulut masak.
  3. Gaul rata dan tekan padat..ketepikan.
  4. Campur semua bahan B..masak sehingga sedikit pekat dan tuang ke atas pulut tadi.
  5. Sambung kukus selama 25 minit api sederhana..biarkan sejuk baru potong.
  6. Sedia untuk dinikmati.

Gambar Kuih Seri Muka Pandan. dari kuih kuih kuih tradisional ini lebih saya sukai, tapi ibonda yang pernah saya katakan dalam menyediakan siri kuih ada kesulitan sendiri karena jika ada kuih kuih yang salah ini tidak mungkin (lapisan atas tidak dipatuhi lapisan bawah dan permukaannya tidak cantik). So what IS Kuih Seri Muka? Well, it's basically a two-layered dessert with sweetened glutinous rice at the bottom and pandan custard at the top. The custard tastes almost like "Kaya" (a Malaysian coconut jam) because it's essentially made of pandan, coconut, eggs and sugar. This pandan seri muka uses natural colours from the blue pea flowers and pandan leaves and it great to serve as afternoon snack.


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