
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

Recipe: Delicious Puding Lapis Merdeka Ria #ChefZam

Puding Lapis Merdeka Ria #ChefZam . You can cook Puding Lapis Merdeka Ria #ChefZam using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Puding Lapis Merdeka Ria #ChefZam Prepare of Agar-agar Jernih :. It's 500 ml of air. It's 3 of sudu kecil serbuk agar-agar. Prepare 100 gm of gula pasir. You need of Agar-agar Susu :. You need 150 ml of air. It's 350 ml of santan kotak. You need 3 of sudu kecil serbuk agar-agar. Prepare 120 gm of gula pasir. You need of Buah Strawberry dan Manga di potong dadu. Puding Lapis Merdeka Ria #ChefZam instructions Masak agar-agar jernih hingga mendidih. Masuk ke dalam jug kecil, ketepikan 100ml dan beri pewarna biru. Masak pula agar-agar susu hingga mendidih. Masukkan ke dalam jug kecil, ketepikan,. Masukkan sedikit potongan buah strawberry ke dasar gelas. Tuang agar-agar jernih, masukkan sebentar k...

Recipe: Appetizing Talam Keladi

Talam Keladi . You can have Talam Keladi using 19 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Talam Keladi Prepare of Bahan2 Lapisan Bawah. You need of 💗 2 cawan tepung beras. It's of 💗 3 sudu besar tepung ubi. It's of 💗 2 cawan santan pekat. It's of 💗 2 cawan air. Prepare of 💗 1/2 cawan gula pasir. Prepare of 💗 1 1/2 sudu teh garam halus. Prepare of 💗 sedikit pewarna pink. It's of 💗 300gm/3 cawan keladi. It's of di potong kiub & rendam di dlm air garam selama 5 minit. It's of Bahan2 Lapisan Atas. Prepare of 💜 1 cawan tepung gandum. It's of 💜 1/2 cawan tepung beras. Prepare of 💜 1 cawan santan pekat. Prepare of 💜 2 1/2 cawan air. You need of 💜 2 1/4 cawan gula @ ikut citarasa. Prepare of 💜 3 biji telur. It's of 💜 sedikit perisa keladi. It's of 💜 sedikit pew...

Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang

Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang . You can cook Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang You need 2 cawan of tepung beras. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung. You need 3 of sudu bsr tepung ubi. Prepare 1 1/2 cawan of gula. It's 4 1/2 cawan of santan (2 cawan santan pekat + 2 1/2 cawan air. You need 1 sudu teh of garam. It's 1 sudu teh of perisa. Prepare of pewarna merah, biru & kuning. Kuih Lapis Jalur Gemilang step by step Satukan semua bahan2 kecuali pewarna. Kacau & tapiskan. Bahagikan kpd 4 bahagian. Adunan merah & putih sama banyak. Adunan biru & kuning sedikit sahaja. Panaskan periuk pengukus. Sapu acuan dgn minyak. Tuang adunan merah dulu, kukus 5 minit dgn api sedang. Kemudian, tuang pula adunan puti...

Recipe: Perfect 💯Kuih Limas💯

💯Kuih Limas💯 . You can cook 💯Kuih Limas💯 using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of 💯Kuih Limas💯 You need of Bahan-bahan ************. Prepare of Lapisan hijau ************. Prepare 2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 1 of s/b tepung jagung. You need 5 1/2 cawan of santan + air (perah kali kedua) pakai 1 biji kelapa. It's 2 of s/b gula. Prepare 1 of s/k pes pandan. It's of beberapa helai daun pandan di kisar dengan santan. You need of Lapisan putih ************. It's 2 cawan of santan (perah kali pertama). It's 1 of s/k garam. Prepare 2 1/2 of s/b tepung gandum. 💯Kuih Limas💯 step by step Cara-cara ********* - untuk lapisan hijau, gaul sebati semua bahan. Masukkan 3/4 sudu besar gula dilu didalam kolongsong daun pisang @ apa2 acuan...masukkan adunan hijau didalam... dan kukus dalam 5 hingga 10 minit... ...

How to Make Appetizing Talam Roti Penyek

Talam Roti Penyek . You can cook Talam Roti Penyek using 26 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Talam Roti Penyek Prepare of Lapisan bawah. It's 7 keping of roti bijirin penuh GARDENIA (roti apa pon boleh sementara belom berkulat). It's 80 gm of gula. It's 1 of biji telur. Prepare 100 ml of santan pekat. You need 125 ml of air. Prepare 1/2 of sk garam. Prepare 1/4 of sk vanilla essence. You need of Lapisan tengah. It's 40 gm of tepung gandum. Prepare 70 gm of gula halus. Prepare 1 of biji telur. It's 1/8 of sk garam. It's 100 ml of santan. It's 100 ml of air*. It's 4 helai of daun pandan (kisar dengan 100ml air* kemudian tapis dan sukat kembali sebanyak 100ml). Prepare Sedikit of pewarna hijau. It's of Lapisan atas. Prepare 30 gm of tepung kastard. It's 60 gm of gula. ...

Recipe: Tasty Kuih Seri Muka Pandan

Kuih Seri Muka Pandan . You can cook Kuih Seri Muka Pandan using 26 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Seri Muka Pandan Prepare 500 g of beras pulut susu atau biasa juga boleh. You need 300 ml of santan pekat(fresh) atau 100ml santan kotak + 200ml air. You need 200 ml of air. You need 2 tsp of garam. Prepare of cara cara :. It's of Rendam pulut 30 minit dan toskan. It's of Kukus bahan-bahan diatas selama 30 minit dlm loyang bersaiz 10×10×2. It's of Bahan-bahan lapisan atas. Prepare 250 g of gula castor. It's 70 g of tepung jagung atau tepung kastard. You need 100 g of tepung gandum. Prepare 400 ml of santan fresh atau 150ml santan kotak + 250 ml air. It's 300 ml of air pandan (kisar 5 helai daun pandan muda(bau wangi) dgn 300ml air). It's 2 of biji telur saiz b. It's 3-4 titik of warna hijau apple kalau ...

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies . You can cook Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies You need 230 g of mentega. It's 1 cawan of light brown sugar. You need of 1 cawan milo. It's of 2 biji telur saiz A. Prepare of 1 sudu teh esen vanila. Prepare of 370 g tepung naik sendiri. It's of 2 sudu besar tepung jagung. You need of 1 sudu teh baking soda. You need of 1/2 sudu teh haram. It's of 1 cawan coklat chips. It's of 1 cawan kepingan badam. Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies step by step . Masukkan mentega, brown sugar dan milo. Gaul sebati. Masukkan telur serta esen vanila dan gaul sebati. Masukkan tepung naik sendiri, tepung jagung.. Masukkan garam dan baking soda dan kaup balikkan tepung. Masukkan coklat chips dan kepingan b...

Recipe: Yummy Puteri Ayu Cheese Merdeka 🇲🇾

Puteri Ayu Cheese Merdeka 🇲🇾 . You can have Puteri Ayu Cheese Merdeka 🇲🇾 using 20 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Puteri Ayu Cheese Merdeka 🇲🇾 You need of bahan bahan lapisan cheese. Prepare 250 g of cream cheese. It's 2 of sudu besar tepung gandum. Prepare 5 of sudu besar gula kastor. Prepare 1 of sudu besar susu cair. Prepare 2 of sudu besar air. You need 1 of biji telur. It's of bahan bahan lapisan atas. It's 1 cawan of gula kastor. Prepare 2 of biji telur. Prepare 1 of sudu kecil ovelette. It's 1 of sudu kecil esen vanila. It's 1/2 cawan of santan. Prepare 1/2 cawan of susu cair. You need 2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1 of sudu kecil pewarna pink atau merah. Prepare 1 of sudu kecil pewarna kuning. Prepare 1 of sudu kecil pewarna biru. You need 1 of periuk air untuk mengukus. I...

How to Cook Tasty Kuih seri muka Pandan

Kuih seri muka Pandan . Step by step recipe how to make Pandan Glutinous Rice Cake. Kue seri muka, sri muka or putri salat (lit. pretty face cake) is a Banjarese and Malay two-layered dessert with steamed glutinous rice forming the bottom half and a green custard layer made with pandan juice (hence the green colour). Coconut milk is a key ingredient in making this kue. Antaranya :*Karipap Pusing Frozen (inti kentang+isi ayam)*. This must be an all-time favourite kueh among the Perankans (Nyonya) - Kueh Salat or Kuih Seri Muka by another name. As for this recipe, I've used a lot of pandan (screwpine) leaves to get a deep. You can have Kuih seri muka Pandan using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Kuih seri muka Pandan Prepare of Bahan A. Prepare 1 cawan of beras pulut. Prepare 1 cawan of santan. You need Sedikit of garam. Prepare 1 of sk minyak masak. It's Daun of pandan. ...

Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Red Pearl Cookies

Red Pearl Cookies . You can have Red Pearl Cookies using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Red Pearl Cookies It's of Bahan. It's 150 gm of butter. You need 150 gm of tepung gandum. It's 75 gm of gula halus. Prepare 60 gm of cornflakes. You need 50 gm of coklat chip. It's 25 gm of almond nibs. You need 1 of st esen vanila. Prepare of ceri merah ~ dihiris halus dan memanjang. Red Pearl Cookies instructions Cara -Mula-mula kita satukan butter dan gula. Dengan menggunakan senduk kayu sahaja gaul hingga gula dan butter sebati dan sekata. Tak payah pukul sampai kembang ya cukup sekadar ia sebati, sebab jika terlebih pukul biskut kita akan kembang dan leper selepas di bakar nanti.. Masukkan tepung dan gaul rata. Masukkan cornflakes, badam, cip coklat dan esen vanilla, kemudia gaul rata. ...

Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Biskut Cip Coklat Chocolate Chip Cookies Almond Badam Cincang 💝

Biskut Cip Coklat Chocolate Chip Cookies Almond Badam Cincang 💝 . ALMOND CHOCOLATE COOKIES Hari ni Simple Cook cuba buat biskut raya untuk pertama kalinya, nampaknya tekstur biskut Namun coklat chip mencair dalam adunan, jadi la Almond Chocolate Cookies walaupun sepatutnya nak buat Almond Chocolate Chip ala. Ramai yang sukakan biskut coklat chip atau chocolate chip cookies rangup dan sedap ala Resepi Chocolate Chip Cookies Sukatan Cawan. Biskut Coklat Chips Ala Famous Amos Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies. Dapatkan Cookies Most Wanted (CMW) - The Chocolate Chip Cookies di hari ini. Rasa coklat yang mencengkam pada gigitan yang pertama. Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Cookies simple,light and delicious. You can have Biskut Cip Coklat Chocolate Chip Cookies Almond Badam Cincang 💝 using 19 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Biskut Cip Coklat Chocolate Chip Cookies Almond Badam Cincang 💝 Prepare of...