
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Easiest Way to Make Delicious Talam Lapis Koko

Talam Lapis Koko . You can cook Talam Lapis Koko using 14 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Talam Lapis Koko You need of a. It's 1 cawan of + 2 tbs air (225ml). Prepare 165 g of gula. It's 5 helai of daun pandan simpul. Prepare of b. You need 150 g of tepung beras. You need 75 g of tepung ubi kayu. You need 50 g of tepung sagu. You need 1 1/4 cawan of santan kotak (250ml). Prepare 1 3/4 cawan of air (350ml). It's of Secubit garam. You need of c. It's 1 tbs of serbuk koko. It's 1/2 tbs of emulco coklat. Talam Lapis Koko step by step Panaskan pengukus bersama dengan loyang yang telah disapu minyak (seeloknye dialas plastik).. Masak bahan A sehingga larut dan biarkan suam.. Gaul sebati bahan B dan campur kan air gula tadi. Tapis. Bahagi kepada 7 bahagian (6 bahagi...

How to Make Appetizing Nutella Cookies

Nutella Cookies . You can cook Nutella Cookies using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Nutella Cookies Prepare 10 keping of biskut Marie (hancurkan). You need 250 gm of butter. It's 1/2 cawan of gula perang. Prepare 3/4 cawan of gula halus. You need 3 of sb nutella. Prepare 3 of sb minyak. Prepare 1 cawan of badam cincang - sangai. Prepare Sedikit of esen vanila. You need of Bahan diayak:. Prepare 2 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. It's 2 of sb serbuk koko. Prepare 4 of sb tepung jagung. Prepare 1 of sk soda bikarbonat. You need 1 of sb emplex. Nutella Cookies instructions Pukul butter, gula perang, gula halus dan esen vanila.. Masukkan nutella. Kacau.. Masukkan minyak dan gaul rata.. Satukan bahan yang diayak dengan biskut Marie. Kacau sebati dan campur dg...

Recipe: Appetizing Lapis Merdeka#chefzam #Merdeka62

Lapis Merdeka#chefzam #Merdeka62 . You can cook Lapis Merdeka#chefzam #Merdeka62 using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Lapis Merdeka#chefzam #Merdeka62 You need 1 cawan of tepung beras*. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum*. You need 2 of sudu tepung ubi*. Prepare 2 1/2 cawan of santan. Prepare 1/2 cawan of gula*. It's of secubit garam*. You need of esen ros. Prepare of acuan lompang. Lapis Merdeka#chefzam #Merdeka62 instructions Mula-mula panaskan pengukus. Masukkan kesemua bahan bertanda * di dalam mangkuk. Gaul rata dan tapis supaya tidak berketul-ketul.. Bahagi kepada 2 adunan. 1 di biarkan putih 1 lagi di letak esen ros. Acuan lompang di sapu minyak. Apabila air di pengukus telah mendidih masukkan acuan lompang. Mula-mula masukkan adunan berwarna putih kukus dalam 3 minit. Kemudian adunan berwarna merah kukus lagi dalam 3 mi...

Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Tteok /Rice Cake

Tteok /Rice Cake . You can have Tteok /Rice Cake using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Tteok /Rice Cake It's 125 g of Tepung Beras. Prepare 25 gr of Tepung Tapioka. Prepare 1/2 of Sdk Garam halus. You need 135 ml of Air mendidih. Prepare 1 of Sdk Minyak bijan. You need 750 ml of Air untuk merebus. You need 1 of Sdm Minyak Masak. Tteok /Rice Cake step by step Satukan tepung beras, tepung tapioka, dan garam. Gaul sebati. Didihkan air, tuangkan air mendidih kedalam campuran tepung. Kacau dengan spatula hingga mendapatkan doh yang lembut. Potong doh menjadi beberapa bagian dan gelek doh membentuk silinder.. Didihkan air dan minyak masak, setelah mendidih masukan Tteok/ Rice cake dan rebus hingga terapung.angkat dan Toskan. Sapu Tteok/Rice cake dengan Minyak bijan..

Recipe: Perfect Kuih Lapis Nyonya

Kuih Lapis Nyonya . You can have Kuih Lapis Nyonya using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Nyonya You need 2 cawan of tepung beras. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung. You need 1 kotak of santan (200ml). Prepare 3 cawan of air. It's 1/2 cawan of gula pasir - jika suka manis blh tambahkan. It's 1/4 of sudu garam. You need Sedikit of pewarna kesukaan. Kuih Lapis Nyonya step by step Satukan kesemua tepung, garam dan gula. Gaul rata.. Didihkan seketika santan bersama 3 cawan air.. Tuang santan tadi ke dalam adunan tepung dan gaul rata sehingga tiada berbintil.. Bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian dan letak kan perwarna.. Sapukan minyak/butter di permukaan loyang.. Tutup pengukus di tutup dengan kain supaya wa...

Recipe: Tasty Serimuka pandan #mahn

Serimuka pandan #mahn . Seri muka pandan Talam keladi Talam tokyo Talam suji Talam cendol Talam jagung Talam. Blend the "pandan" with water then strain, keep the water. In a mixing bowl beat the eggs together with sugar until foamy, mix "pandan" water, Anchor. Kuih seri muka merupakan sejenis kuih talam tradisi yang berasal dari negara kita. Ia lazimnya dihasilkan di dalam talam yang besar dan. So what IS Kuih Seri Muka? You can cook Serimuka pandan #mahn using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Serimuka pandan #mahn Prepare of Lapisan Bawah. You need 500 g of beras pulut (rendam 2 jam). It's 3 cawan of santan cair. You need Sedikit of garam. You need of Lapisan Atas. It's 1 of +1/4 cawan gula. It's 1/2 cawan of tepung kastard. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. It's 3 cawan of santan. You need 2 of sudu besar tepung be...

Recipe: Perfect Kuih lapis

Kuih lapis . You can cook Kuih lapis using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Kuih lapis Prepare 1 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1 cawan of tepung ubi. You need 4 cawan of santan. Prepare 1 cawan of gula. It's 1 of sdt pewarna merah. Prepare 1 of sdt perisa ros. You need 1/2 of sdt garam. You need of B... Merah,biru,kuning. It's 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung ubi. It's 1/2 cawan of gula. It's 2 cawan of santan. Prepare 1 of sdt pewarna kuning telur. Prepare 1 of sdt pewarna biru. It's 1 of sdt pewarna merah. Kuih lapis instructions Kisar semua bahan hingga sebati...bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian...1 kosong putih dan 1 lagi merah ros. Kukus selapis demi selapis hingga siap...bancuhan ni dapat la 4 lapisan loyang 8x8..nak tebal boleh gandakan adunan... ...

How to Prepare Tasty Chocolate Chip Cookies ala Famous Amos

Chocolate Chip Cookies ala Famous Amos . You can cook Chocolate Chip Cookies ala Famous Amos using 14 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Chocolate Chip Cookies ala Famous Amos You need of Bahagian Kering. Prepare 2 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum (ayak). You need 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung (ayak). Prepare 1 sudu teh of baking soda. Prepare 1 sudu teh of baking powder. You need of Bahagian Basah. It's 250 g of mentega (yang dilembutkan). It's 1 1/4 cawan of gula perang. You need 1 of biji telur. It's 1/4 cawan of minyak masak. You need 1 sudu teh of esen vanila. It's of Hiasan. It's of Cip coklat/Bar coklat (ikut citarasa) Cadbury pun boleh. Prepare of Badam/kekacang mengikut citarasa yang dipanggang. Chocolate Chip Cookies ala Famous Amos step by step Campurkan bahagian basah ke dalam mangkuk. Pastikan adunan ...

Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Tart Nenas

Tart Nenas . Tart Nenas, or Pineapple tart in English, is hugely popular festive cookie is believed to have originated from the Nonya community, but is made for all festivals. There are several variants of the cookie made. As Salam, Resepi Tart Nenas Gulung Sukatan Cawan Jualan Cikgu Azlina Ina-Saya tak pasti dengan readers yang lain, tapi bagi diri saya. Seperti dijanjikan dalam entri inti tart nenas sebelum ini di SINI, kali ini saya ingin kongsikan resepi tart nenas gebu gebas yang kami sediakan untuk hari raya baru baru ini. A traditional family recipe for pineapple tart cookies or tart nenas in malay. A wide variety of tart nenas options are available to you Tart Nenas. You can have Tart Nenas using 12 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Tart Nenas Prepare of Bahan. You need 2 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum }. It's 2 of s/b tepung jagung }. Prepare 2 1/2 of s/b tepung kastad }ayak. You...

How to Cook Appetizing Biskut tart nenas oren

Biskut tart nenas oren . This is definitely a favourite among Malaysians. Sweet pineapple jam rolled in soft milky cookies. There's no specific occasions for these cookies to be. Biskut Tart Nenas updated their cover photo. Seperti dijanjikan dalam entri inti tart nenas sebelum ini di SINI, kali ini saya ingin kongsikan resepi tart nenas gebu gebas yang kami sediakan untuk Rugi tak mencubanya tau. Saya perhatikan biskut tart memang laris dan dicari cari. You can have Biskut tart nenas oren using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Biskut tart nenas oren It's 125 g of margerin latifolia. It's 1 of sdb gula kastor. Prepare 2 cawan of tepung gandum. It's 10 g of tepung jagung. Prepare 10 g of tepung kastard. It's 1 of sdk pewarna oren. Prepare 1 of sdk perisa oren. Prepare 1/2 of sdk pewarna hijau(daun). Prepare of inti. It's of jem nenas ...

Recipe: Perfect Resepi Tart Nenas Riang Ceria

Resepi Tart Nenas Riang Ceria . You can cook Resepi Tart Nenas Riang Ceria using 15 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Resepi Tart Nenas Riang Ceria It's of Bahan A. Prepare 1 of buku buttercup 250g. Prepare 2 of sudu camca marjerin (pelangi). Prepare 2 of sudu susu pekat. It's 1 of bj telur kuning. Prepare 1/2 of sudu esen vanila. It's 1/4 of sudu pewarna kuning. You need of Bahan B (ayak). You need 3 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. It's 1 1/4 cawan of tepung jagung. It's 1 1/4 cawan of tepung kastard. Prepare 1/4 of sudu garam. It's of C Bahan. It's of Jem nenas (kt beli yg dh siap je). It's of Coklat rice kaler maler. Resepi Tart Nenas Riang Ceria instructions Satukan butter dan marjerin gaul bagi sebati. Masukkan susu gaul sebati lg. Masukkan t...

Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Sagu Lapis Pelangi

Sagu Lapis Pelangi . You can cook Sagu Lapis Pelangi using 5 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Sagu Lapis Pelangi It's of Bahan. It's 3 cawan of *sagu biji. Prepare 3 cawan of kelapa* parut (putih je). It's 1 cawan of gula pasir. It's of kelapa parut (putih) + garam-gaul rata. Sagu Lapis Pelangi step by step Cara.. -panaskan kukusan... Bahagikan sagu kepada 3 bahagian.. setiap bahagian 1 cawan.... Bubuhkan pewarna setiap bahagian... rendam selama 10 minit.... Ambil sagu warna hijau dan bubuh 1 cawan kelapa parut...juga 1/3 cwan gula.. gaul hingga sebati.. kemudian tuangkan kedalam loyang yang telah dilapikkan ngan plastik bungkus nasi lemak tu... sebab bl sejuk senang nak angkat keluar.... Kukus selama 10 minit..... Kemudian buat pula ad...

Recipe: Perfect Kuih lapis

Kuih lapis . Kueh lapis or also spelled as kuih lapis/kue lapis is a beautiful traditional steamed cake which originates from Indonesia. The term 'lapis' simply means layer in Indonesian and Malay referring to. Kuih lapis is a traditional Asian dessert popular in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Kueh Lapis never fails to put a smile on my face. Leave Kuih Lapis to cool completely after steamed and invert the cake pan to knock out the kuih. Grease knife with little oil before cutting. You can have Kuih lapis using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Kuih lapis You need 1 cawan of tepung beras. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1/2 cawan of gula. Prepare 3/4 cawan of santan. Prepare of Secubit garam. You need of Pewarna (ikut suka warna apa). You may also brush a little oil on the surface as gloss finishing. W...

Recipe: Tasty Merdeka Eggless Choc Chip Cookies

Merdeka Eggless Choc Chip Cookies . Sharing the recipe to the best Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies that will blow your mind away! It's been a while since I posted here but here you go- one of. Eggless chocolate chip cookies recipe - Easy to make BEST chocolate chip cookies without egg. Your favorite chocolate chip cookies without eggs! This is a great cookie recipe for those with egg allergies! You'll love how simple this cookie recipe is! You can have Merdeka Eggless Choc Chip Cookies using 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Merdeka Eggless Choc Chip Cookies You need 130 gram of mentega/marjerin. Prepare 20 gram of cream cheese Tartura. You need 130 gram of gula perang (boleh kurangkan kepada 100 gram jika tak suka manis). Prepare 1 tsp of vanila. You need 200 gram of tepung. You need 1 tsp of baking soda. Prepare 1/2 tsp of baking powder. It's 1 tsp of bu...

Recipe: Yummy Kuih Limas

Kuih Limas . You can have Kuih Limas using 12 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Limas You need of Bahan-bahan. Prepare of Lapisan hijau. Prepare 2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 1 of s/b tepung jagung. Prepare 5 1/2 cawan of santan + air (perah kali kedua) pakai 1 biji kelapa. You need 3 helai of daun pandan di kisar dengan santan (tapis ambil airnya). It's 2 of s/b gula. You need 1 of s/k pes pandan. It's of Lapisan putih. You need 2 cawan of santan (perah kali pertama). Prepare 1 of s/k garam. You need 3 of s/b tepung gandum. Kuih Limas instructions Cara-cara ********** - Buat sarung kuih limas dengan daun pisang.. buat dengan kemas.. susun didalam loyang.. kemudian bubuh gula 1 sudunkecil.. nak banyak air gula bole bubuh lebih. Untuk lapisan hijau, gaul sebati semua bahan. masukkan dalam kelongs...

Recipe: Yummy Red Velvet Cookies *

Red Velvet Cookies * . You can have Red Velvet Cookies * using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Red Velvet Cookies * Prepare 250 gm of mentega. You need 150 gm of gula perang (saya guna gula pasir / gula kastor). You need 2 of biji kuning telur. It's 1/2 sudu teh of esen vanila. It's 1/4 of sudu penaik. Prepare 350 gm of tepung gandum. Prepare 2 of sudu besar serbuk coco. You need 100 gm of badam hiris. It's 150 gm of coklat cip. Red Velvet Cookies * step by step Sediakan bahan-bahan.. Pukul mentega dengan gula pasir sehingga kembang menggunakan sudip kayu.. Masukkan telur dan esen vanila. Kacau sebati.. Masukkan bahan-bahan yang diayak (tepung gandum, serbuk penaik dan serbuk coco). Masukkan pewarna merah. Kacau sebati.. Masukkan coklat cip dan badam. Kac...

Easiest Way to Make Tasty Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies . You can have Chocolate Chip Cookies using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Chocolate Chip Cookies It's 250 g of Butter. You need 200 g of Gula (dikasar). You need 1 of biji telur (kuning sahaja). Prepare 10 of sudu besar susu pekat. You need 1 of sudu kecil esen vanila. You need 10 of sudu tepung jagung. It's of Serbuk coklat. It's of Kacang tanah (digoreng dan dikisar). Prepare of Badam (serbuk dan cincang). It's of Biji gajus (cincang). It's of Tepung gandum. Chocolate Chip Cookies instructions Masukan butter, gula ke dalam mangkuk. Pukul sehingga kembang. Masukan telur kuning dan pukul sehingga kembang. Masukan esen vanila dan susu. Pukul hingga sebati dan kembang.. Masukan serbuk kacang, serbuk koko. Kacau hingga sebati.. Masukan cip coklat, b...

Recipe: Delicious Kuih Lapis

Kuih Lapis . You can have Kuih Lapis using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis You need of Bahan A. It's 1 cawan of santan kotak. Prepare 3 cawan of air. It's 1 helai of daun pandan simpul. You need of Bahan B. Prepare 2 cawan of tepung beras. You need 1/2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung jagung. It's 1 cawan of gula pasir. You need 1/2 tsp of garam halus. You need of C Bahan. Prepare 2 of penutup esen ros. Prepare 1 tbs of minyak masak. You need 1 tsp of air kapur. You need of Pewarna. Kuih Lapis instructions Masak Bahan A sehingga naik wap dan ketepikan.. Sapu minyak pada loyang dan letak dalam pengukus. Tutup. Panaskan pengukus sehingga air menggelegak.. Campur semua Bahan B. Tuang adunan santan suam dan gaul sebati.. ...