Easiest Way to Make Delicious Talam Lapis Koko
Talam Lapis Koko . You can cook Talam Lapis Koko using 14 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Talam Lapis Koko You need of a. It's 1 cawan of + 2 tbs air (225ml). Prepare 165 g of gula. It's 5 helai of daun pandan simpul. Prepare of b. You need 150 g of tepung beras. You need 75 g of tepung ubi kayu. You need 50 g of tepung sagu. You need 1 1/4 cawan of santan kotak (250ml). Prepare 1 3/4 cawan of air (350ml). It's of Secubit garam. You need of c. It's 1 tbs of serbuk koko. It's 1/2 tbs of emulco coklat. Talam Lapis Koko step by step Panaskan pengukus bersama dengan loyang yang telah disapu minyak (seeloknye dialas plastik).. Masak bahan A sehingga larut dan biarkan suam.. Gaul sebati bahan B dan campur kan air gula tadi. Tapis. Bahagi kepada 7 bahagian (6 bahagi...