Recipe: Perfect Gluten free Seri Muka #phopbylinimohd #batch17
Gluten free Seri Muka #phopbylinimohd #batch17 . You can cook Gluten free Seri Muka #phopbylinimohd #batch17 using 14 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Gluten free Seri Muka #phopbylinimohd #batch17 You need of Lapisan bawah. You need 3 1/2 cawan of beras pulut. It's of (rendam dahulu 8 jam untuk singkirkan phytic acid). Prepare 3 cawan of santan. It's of Garam himalaya secukup rasa. Prepare of Lapisan atas. Prepare 4 cawan of santan pekat. It's 1 cawan of gula kabung kristal. You need 4 of biji telur gred C. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung beras. Prepare 1/2 cawan of tepung ubi kayu. It's 3/4 cawan of tepung ubi kentang Non GMO. Prepare 3 of hingga 4 helai daun pandan. Prepare of Garam Himalaya secukup rasa. Gluten free Seri Muka #phopbylinimohd #batch17 step by step Untuk lapisan bawah, satukan semua bahan ...