
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Recipe: Appetizing Kuih Tepung Pelita #phopbylinimohd #task2

Kuih Tepung Pelita #phopbylinimohd #task2 . You can have Kuih Tepung Pelita #phopbylinimohd #task2 using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Kuih Tepung Pelita #phopbylinimohd #task2 It's of Lapisan Atas. Prepare 4 of sudu besar tepung beras. Prepare 4 cawan of santan (1 kotak + air). You need of Secubit garam. You need of Lapisan Bawah. You need 1 cawan of tepung beras. It's 1 cawan of gula halus. Prepare 5 cawan of air. It's Sedikit of air kapur. Prepare of Pati daun pandan (blend daun pandan dengan air yang sedikit). Prepare of Bahan Lain. You need Sedikit of gula untuk inti. You need Daun of pandan dijadikan bekas kuih. Kuih Tepung Pelita #phopbylinimohd #task2 step by step Lapisan Bawah - masukkan semua bahan ke dalam periuk. Masak adunan hingga likat berkilat.. Isikan sedikit gula pasir ata...

Recipe: Tasty Tok Aji Serban /Pulut Sekaya

Tok Aji Serban /Pulut Sekaya . You can cook Tok Aji Serban /Pulut Sekaya using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Tok Aji Serban /Pulut Sekaya It's of Bahan-Bahan Lapisan Pulut. Prepare of 💛 1 1/2 cawan beras pulut - basuh & rendam di dlm air 2 jam. You need of 💛 1 1/2 cawan santan cair. Prepare of 💛 1 sudu teh garam halus. It's of Bahan-Bahan Lapisan Sekaya. It's of 💛 5 biji telur gred A. It's of 💛 1 cawan santan pekat. You need of 💛 2 keping nisang/gula melaka saiz besar. You need of 💛 3 sudu besar gula pasir. You need of 💛 1/2 cawan air. It's of 💛 2 helai daun pandan -di simpul. Prepare of 💛 1/2 sudu teh garam halus. Tok Aji Serban /Pulut Sekaya instructions Lapisan Pulut ~ Toskan beras pulut. Kemudian, kacau dengan santan & garam. Kukus selama 30 minit. Lapisa...

Recipe: Perfect Kuih Lapis Tembikai

Kuih Lapis Tembikai . You can cook Kuih Lapis Tembikai using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Tembikai You need of ❤ 2 cawan tepung beras. Prepare of ❤ 1/2 cawan tepung gandum. It's of ❤ 1/2 cawan tepung jagung. It's of ❤ 3 sudu besar tepung ubi. Prepare of ❤ 1 1/2 cawan gula. Prepare of ❤ 5 cawan santan-2 1/2 cwn santan pekat+ 2 1/2 cwn santan cair. Prepare of ❤ 1/2 sudu teh garam. Prepare of ❤ 1 sudu teh perisa ros. It's of ❤ pewarna merah & hijau. It's of ❤ bijan hitam. Kuih Lapis Tembikai step by step Satukan semua bahan2 kecuali pewarna & bijan hitam. Kacau sebati & tapiskan. Bahagikan adunan kpd 3 bahagian & campur pewarna. Adunan merah paling banyak. Adunan hijau sedikit lebih drp adunan putih. Panaskan periuk pengukus. Sapu acuan dgn minyak. ...

Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Choc Chip Cookies

Choc Chip Cookies . You can cook Choc Chip Cookies using 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Choc Chip Cookies Prepare of Bahan. Prepare 1/2 cawan (125 g) of butter. It's 3/4 cawan of gula perang. You need 1 of biji telur gred A. Prepare sudu teh of vanilla. You need 3/4 cawan of choc chips. You need 1/2 cawan of badam cincang dipanggang. Prepare of Bahan yang diayak. You need 2 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 3/4 sudu teh of baking soda (soda bicarbonate. Prepare 1/2 sudu teh of baking powder. Choc Chip Cookies instructions 🌷Cara membuatnya:🌷 --------------------- Pukul butter dan gula hingga kembang.. Masukkan telur dan vanilla dan pukul lagi hingga kembang dan gula larut.. Masukkan tepung dan kaup balikkan hingga rata. Jangan terlebih gaul yer.. Masukkan choc chips dan ...

Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Serimuka pandan

Serimuka pandan . Seri muka pandan Talam keladi Talam tokyo Talam suji Talam cendol Talam jagung Talam. Blend the "pandan" with water then strain, keep the water. In a mixing bowl beat the eggs together with sugar until foamy, mix "pandan" water, Anchor. Kuih seri muka merupakan sejenis kuih talam tradisi yang berasal dari negara kita. Ia lazimnya dihasilkan di dalam talam yang besar dan. So what IS Kuih Seri Muka? You can cook Serimuka pandan using 18 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Serimuka pandan It's of LAPISAN BAWAH (NASI). Prepare 3 of cup beras pulut (cuci dan rendam 45min). You need 1 of cup santan segera. It's 2 of cup air. You need 1 tsp of garam. Prepare 2 tbsp of olive oil. You need of LAPISAN ATAS (ADUNAN). You need 1 of cup tepung gandum. It's 2 tbsp of tepung jagung. Prepare 1 of cup gula pasir. Prepare ...

Recipe: Perfect Talam Gula Merah #phopbylinimohd #batch19

Talam Gula Merah #phopbylinimohd #batch19 . You can cook Talam Gula Merah #phopbylinimohd #batch19 using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Talam Gula Merah #phopbylinimohd #batch19 You need of Bahan. You need of Lapisan bawah. Prepare 1 1/2 cawan of gula merah. It's 3 of sudu mkn gula. You need 3 cawan of air. You need 1 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1/2 of cwn tepung ubi. Prepare 1/2 sudu teh of Kapur. It's of Lapisan atas (sebatikan semua sukat kuantiti 600ml). It's 200 ml of santan kotak. Prepare 1/2 sudu teh of garam. It's 3 of sudu mkn gula. Prepare 1/2 of cwn tepung gandum. Prepare 1/2 of cwn tepung beras. You need 1/2 cawan of air. Talam Gula Merah #phopbylinimohd #batch19 step by step Lapisan bawah Campurkan tepung gandum tepung ubi gula merah dan gula ke dalam bekas.. ...

Recipe: Appetizing Brownies Cookies

Brownies Cookies . Bake a layer of chocolate chip cookie dough with a layer of brownie batter and you get 'brookies': a cookie-brownie match made in Brookies (Brownie Cookies). These chocolate chip cookie brownies are so easy to make from scratch and they are a true crowd pleaser. Also known as "brookies," this genius dessert mashup combines two of your favorite treats into one, making the ultimate dessert. If you like Brownies, then you must try these Brownie Cookies. The batter is almost the same as a brownie batter so the cookies still have. Recipes don't get easier than this, and the results are chewy, chocolate cookies with a fudge brownie texture. You can cook Brownies Cookies using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Brownies Cookies It's of coklat coin 260g sy guna brand van houten. You need 100 g of buttercup. It's of telur A 2biji. Prepare 144 g of gula...

Easiest Way to Make Yummy Cadbury nuts cookies

Cadbury nuts cookies . Combining cookie pieces, crunchy almond caramel and caramelised hazelnuts with delicious Cadbury Dairy Milk sent our May contain: other nuts. We are using cookies in order to facilitate your navigation on this website. You can read about How We Use Cookies and see Managing Cookies to change your. No ratings yet Write a review. These soft and chewy coconut macadamia nut cookies are baked until the edges are crisp, then drizzled with white chocolate for an extra decadent treat! CADBURY Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut Chocolate bars. You can have Cadbury nuts cookies using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Cadbury nuts cookies It's 360 gm of tepung gandum. Prepare 40 gm of serbuk koko. You need 1 of sudu kecil baking powder. You need 300 gm of butter. It's 170 gm of gula castor. You need 1 of biji telor. You need 1 of sudu kecil esen vanilla. Prepar...

Easiest Way to Make Delicious Kuih Lapis Merdeka 62 #ChefZam

Kuih Lapis Merdeka 62 #ChefZam . You can have Kuih Lapis Merdeka 62 #ChefZam using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Merdeka 62 #ChefZam It's 6 keping of roti Gardenia. It's 75 gr of gula pasir. It's 1 of sudu besar susu pekat manis. Prepare 400 ml of air. You need 200 ml of santan (1 kotak kecil). It's 1/4 sudu teh of garam. It's 100 gr of tepung beras. Prepare 30 gm of tepung ubi kayu / tepung sagu. It's 1 of sudu besar sirap ros dan sedikit pewarna merah. You need of Pewarna Biru dan Kuning. Kuih Lapis Merdeka 62 #ChefZam instructions Buang tepi roti dan carik-carikkan. Masukkan kedalam pengisar dan sedikit air bagi melembutkan roti. Masak santan, air, susu dan gula hingga gula larut. Masukkan tepung bersama santan ke dalam pegisar.. Kisar hingga halus, bahagikan kepada 4 bahagian. Ambil...

Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Talam Kastad Jagung

Talam Kastad Jagung . You can have Talam Kastad Jagung using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Talam Kastad Jagung Prepare of Lapisan Bawah. You need of 🌽 1 cawan jagung manis berkrim dlm tin. You need of 🌽 1 cawan tepung beras. Prepare of 🌽 2 sudu besar tepung kastad. Prepare of 🌽 2 cawan santan. You need of 🌽 1/2 cawan gula. You need of 🌽 sedikit pewarna kuning. Prepare of Lapisan Atas. Prepare of 🌽 1 cawan tepung beras. Prepare of 🌽 2 cawan santan. It's of 🌽 1/2 sudu teh garam halus. It's of 🌽 sedikit perisa jagung (x nak letak pun boleh). Talam Kastad Jagung instructions (Lapisan Bawah) Masukkan semua bhn2 ke dlm mangkuk kecuali jagung. Kacau hingga gula hancur & tapiskan ke dlm kuali. Masak di atas api hingga keluar wap saja. Masukkan jagung & kacau lagi hingga rata. Alas ...

How to Prepare Tasty Seri Muka Lapis Merdeka 🇲🇾

Seri Muka Lapis Merdeka 🇲🇾 . You can have Seri Muka Lapis Merdeka 🇲🇾 using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Seri Muka Lapis Merdeka 🇲🇾 It's of Lapisan Bawah. Prepare 3 1/2 cawan of beras pulut. Prepare 3 cawan of santan. It's 1 of sudu kecil garam. It's of Bahagian Atas. You need 4 of biji telur. You need 2 cawan of gula. It's 1 cawan of tepung. You need 4 cawan of santan. It's of Pewarna ikut tema. It's 1 of sudu kecil garam. Seri Muka Lapis Merdeka 🇲🇾 step by step Basuh beras pulut dan rendam dgn air sekurangnye 1jam agar pulut cpt masak. Kemudian toskan air dan masuk santan dan garam dan kukus hingga masak.. Utk lapisan atas, pukul manja telur bersama gula hingga sebati. Kemudian masukkan 2 cawan santan dan pukul sekejap baru masukkan tepung. Pukul hingga tepung sebati. Kemudian masuk...

Recipe: Delicious Kuih Lapis Pes Kacang Merah

Kuih Lapis Pes Kacang Merah . You can have Kuih Lapis Pes Kacang Merah using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Kuih Lapis Pes Kacang Merah You need of Bahan. Prepare 1 cawan of tepung gandum. You need 1 cawan of tepung beras. It's 200 ml of santan. It's sedikit of garam. Prepare 1/2 cawan of gula (sebab paste kacang dah manis). You need 400 gram of pes kacang merah. Prepare of pewarna merah dan kuning. You need 1 cawan of air panas untuk larutkan gula. Prepare 3 cawan of air biasa. Kuih Lapis Pes Kacang Merah step by step Cara2 Larutkan gula dengan 1 cawan air panas.Masukkan santan dan 3 cawan air.. Masukkan tepung dan kacau hingga sebati.Tapis adunan untuk hilangkan bintil-bintil yang tidak larut.. Bahagikan adunan kepada 3 bahagian. Pertama, warnakan dengan 1/4 sudu teh pewarna merah, yang k...

Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Tat Nenas Durian (Tema Biskut, Maraton Ramadhan)

Tat Nenas Durian (Tema Biskut, Maraton Ramadhan) . You can have Tat Nenas Durian (Tema Biskut, Maraton Ramadhan) using 12 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Tat Nenas Durian (Tema Biskut, Maraton Ramadhan) Prepare 1 cawan of mentega. It's 2 of sudu besar minyak sapi. Prepare 2 of sudu besar susu pekat. You need 1 of biji kuning telur. It's 3 cawan of tepung gandum. It's 2 of sudu besar tepung kastad. Prepare 2 of sudu besar tepung jagung. You need of jem nenas parut secukupnya. Prepare of Hiasan:. It's 1 of biji kuning telur. Prepare sedikit of pewarna hijau. It's of bunga cengkih secukupnya. Tat Nenas Durian (Tema Biskut, Maraton Ramadhan) step by step Sediakan dan sukat bahan-bahan. Ayak tepung.. Satukan mentega, minyak sapi dan susu pekat. Gaul sebati, Kak Lat guna senduk kayu ja.. ...

How to Cook Tasty Serimuka Pandan

Serimuka Pandan . You can have Serimuka Pandan using 16 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Serimuka Pandan You need of Lapisan Bawah. It's of 💚 2 cawan beras pulut - di basuh bersih & rendam 3 jam. Toskan. Prepare of 💚 1 cawan santan pekat. Prepare of 💚 1 cawan air. You need of 💚 1 1/2 sudu teh garam halus. Prepare of Lapisan Atas. You need of 💚 2 cawan santan pekat. Prepare of 💚 1 cawan air daun pandan - blend drp 8 helai daun pandan. You need of 💚 1 cawan air. It's of 💚 2 biji telur. Prepare of 💚 1 cawan gula (saya tambah 3 sudu besar lagi sbb suka manis). Prepare of 💚 1/2 cawan tepung gandum. Prepare of jika nak serimuka lebih firm/pejal blh + tpg gandum 1/2 cwn lg. Prepare of 💚 1/2 cawan tepung kastad. You need of 💚 3-4 titik pewarna hijau. You need of (saya campur pewarna hijau dgn pewarna kun...

Recipe: Yummy Talam Tepung

Talam Tepung . You can have Talam Tepung using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Talam Tepung Prepare of Lapisan bawah. You need 200 g of gula melaka*. You need 3 of sdb gula putih*. It's 3 cawan of air*. It's 1 cawan of tepung gandum**. It's 1 of sdb tepung kastard**. It's 1 of sdb air kapur. You need of Lapisan atas :. It's 3 cawan of santan (saya guna kara). You need 1 cawan of tepung beras (cap teratai). Prepare Sedikit of garam. Talam Tepung instructions Masukkan bahan yg bertanda * dlm periuk.. Biarkan hingga mendidih n gula larut.. Tutup api biarkan sejuk.. Satukan bahan ** tapis dan masukkan air kapur.. Perlahan2 tuangkan air gula td gaul hingga sebati.. Kukus 20 minit (pastikan kukusan tlh dipanaskan dahulu dan loyang telah dioles minyak atau dilapik plastik). Stlh lapisa...

How to Make Appetizing Talam Cendol

Talam Cendol . You can cook Talam Cendol using 18 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Talam Cendol You need of Lapisan bawah. Prepare 200 gm of tepung beras. You need 250 ml of santan. It's 450 ml of air. It's 1 of sudu besar tepung jagung. It's 150 gm of gula castor. It's 1 sudu teh of garam. It's 200 gm of cendol. It's of Lapisan atas (A). You need 300 gm of gula melaka. You need 50 gm of gula castor. You need 500 ml of air. You need 1-2 helai of daun pandan. It's 150 gm of tepung gandum(B). It's 1 of sudu besar tepung jagung. You need 3 of biji telur. Prepare 250 ml of santan pekat. You need 1/2 sudu teh of garam. Talam Cendol instructions Bahan A. Masak bahan A hingga gula hancur. Matikan api, sejukkan dan tapis.. Lapisan bawah. Satukan semua bahan ...

Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Tart Nanas Gulung

Tart Nanas Gulung . You can have Tart Nanas Gulung using 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Tart Nanas Gulung Prepare 1 kg of Tepung serbaguna. You need 500 gm of Mentega. You need 4 sudu besar of Tepung maizena. You need 4 sudu besar of Tepung custard. It's 4 sudu besar of Gula tepung. You need 4 sudu besar of Susu pekat manis. You need 2 sudu besar of Minyak sapi/ghee (optional). Prepare 2 biji of Telur kuning. It's 1 sudu teh of Garam. It's of Sebaran telur kuning. It's of Jem nanas (saya beli yang sudah sedia). Tart Nanas Gulung step by step Campurkan semua bahan. Uli sehingga tidak melekit. Saya guna acuan model ini. Bentukkan adunan. Setelah siap biarkan untuk lebih kurang 10 minit. Bakar pada suhu 150 darjah selam...

Recipe: Appetizing Tok aji serban

Tok aji serban . Tok Aji Serban atau Pulut Sekaya ini merupakan kuih tradisional orang Pantai Timur.khususnya di Terengganu. Saya sendiri yang merupakan anak kelahiran. Kuih tok aji serban ni boleh dikatakan jiran kepada kuih seri muka cuma lapisan atas je berbeza manakala Tips untuk dapatkan kuih tok aji serban yang sedap adalah kukus pulut sebanyak dua. Kuih tok aji serban merujuk kepada sejenis kuih yang dimasak bersama pulut di bawah dengan kepala manis sekaya di atas. Bahagian kepala kuih tok aji serban diperbuat daripada telur dan santan. Ia juga boleh menjadi kuih seri kaya / kuih sekaya sekiranya dimasak tanpa pulut di bawah dengan hanya. You can have Tok aji serban using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Tok aji serban Prepare of Lapisan bawah:. You need 2 cawan of pulut. You need 2 1/2 cawan of santan cair. It's sedikit of garam. You need of Lapisan atas:. It'...

Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Talam Ubi Kayu

Talam Ubi Kayu . You can cook Talam Ubi Kayu using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Talam Ubi Kayu It's of (Bahan2 Lapisan Bawah). It's of ❤ 2 cawan ubi kayu yg telah di blend & ditapiskan airnya. It's of (sukatan ini termasuk pati ubi yg termendap dibwh air tapisan). Prepare of ❤ 1 cawan santan pekat. Prepare of ❤ 1 cawan air. Prepare of ❤ 1 cawan gula melaka. It's of ❤ 1/2 cawan gula pasir. Prepare of ❤ 2 helai daun pandan-disimpul. You need of Bahan2 Lapisan Atas. It's of ❤ 2 cawan santan pekat. Prepare of ❤ 1 cawan air. You need of ❤ 1/2 cawan tepung beras. Prepare of ❤ 1 sudu teh garam halus. Talam Ubi Kayu step by step (Lapisan Bawah) Potong ubi kayu kecil2 & blend hingga halus. Tapiskan airnya & tekan dgn senduk supaya ubi kering drp air. Boleh juga di perah dgn menggunakan kain....

Recipe: Appetizing Tart nenas cube

Tart nenas cube . Tart Nenas Cube yang semakin popular, diinspirasikan daripada tart nenas traditional yang disuai pad. Zarwina Win (@zarwina_win) добавил(-а) фото в свой аккаунт Instagram: "Tart nenas cube for deepavali. #tartnenascube #tartnenas #homemade #homebaker #srigombak…" A traditional family recipe for pineapple tart cookies or tart nenas in malay. Tart Nenas, or Pineapple tart in English, is hugely popular festive cookie is believed to have originated from the Nonya community, but is made for all festivals. Pastinya di samping membuat persiapan buka puasa dan beribadah, persiapan untuk menyambut lebaran juga giat dijalankan. Tart nenas bentuk kiub, kecil dan comel. Bagi yang suka mencuba boleh jadikan tart nenas kiub ini sebagai salah satu hidangan biskut raya. You can have Tart nenas cube using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Tart nenas cube You need 250 of butter (pure butter sedap). ...